• 2024 Summer Tax Deferment

    Deferred Summer Taxes need to paid in addition to the winter tax notice.

    Winter Property Taxes are due February 14, 2025

    There are 4 options for paying your current year Blumfield Township property taxes:

    1) Take your entire tax notice to ANY Frankenmuth Credit Union location to pay in person. The top portion will be marked “Paid” as your receipt and the bottom stub will be kept for processing;

    2) Place your payment by check in the drop box to the right of the Township office doors;

    3) Mail your payment to: Blumfield Township Treasurer, 10705 Janes Road, Reese, MI 48757.

    To avoid being charged penalties and interest, payments must be postmarked on or before February 14, 2025 or

    4) Pay in person at the Township office located at 1175 Vassar Rd. (M-15):

    Monday, December 30th 9:00am - 5:00pm

    Wednesday, February 5th 9:00am - 5:00pm

    Friday, February 28th 9:00am - 5:00pm

    **Property Tax Receipts will not be mailed unless requested **

    You may email the Treasurer at blumtreas@speednetllc.com or call for information, tax payment status, or requests.

  • Dog Licenses may be purchased from the Township Treasurer (with proof of valid rabies vaccination and proof if unsexed), December 1st through February 29th.

  • Rob Grose is the Blumfield Township Assessor. Rob can be reached at (989) 239-6455 or rgrose@charter.net.

  • To apply for a Land Division, please complete the Land Division Application. If you have any questions, please contact the assessor, Rob Grose, at (989) 239-6455 or rgrose@charter.net.

  • Under MCL 211.7b, an exemption of property taxes for real property used and owned as a homestead by a disabled veteran who was discharged from the armed forces of the United States under honorable conditions or his or her unremarried surviving spouse may be granted by the assessor. The property owner, or his or her legal designee, must annually file the Affidavit with the assessor any time after December 31 and before, or until the conclusion of, the December Board of Review. Please call Assessor Rob Grose, (989)239-6455 or rgrose@charter.net, if you have any questions.

  • December Board of Review will meet for correction of math or clerical errors on tax bills ,December 20, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. at the Township Office. Contact Assessor Rob Grose, (989)239-6455 or rgrose@charter.net, regarding questions.