• Zoning

    The Zoning Administrator is responsible for assisting you in questions and concerns regarding our zoning ordinances related to building, signage, setbacks, etc.

    Zoning Permits are required for all building related projects, including agricultural. Please be aware, if a project is started prior to approval, the permit fee is doubled.

    Any questions, please contact the Zoning Administrator, Brian Bills, at (989) 280-4829 or by email at brianbills28@gmail.com.

    Zoning Variances

    If you would like to request a variance to a Zoning Ordinance, please contact the Eric Jacob at (989) 284-9121 or by email at eric@micronpm.com

  • Building

    Building/Electrical/Mechanical/Plumbing Permits are handled by the Construction Code Group, located at Frankenmuth City Hall. Please go to their website for information on permits and other FAQ.

    Building Inspector - Mike Setzer (989) 652-3430, ext. 250.

    Electrical Inspector - Travis Cooper (989) 652-3430, ext. 251

    Mechanical/Plumbing Inspector - Merle West (810) 908-1770

  • Code Enforcement

    Our Code Enforcement Officer is here to help address your concerns about potential Township Ordinance Violations. It is our goal, through our township ordinances, to make our Township a better, cleaner, and more beautiful environment for our residents and visitors.

    If you feel there is an ordinance violation within our township, we will be happy to investigate it for you.

    To file a complaint, please submit the form here or contact our Code Enforcement Officer, Bry Galganski, at (989) 844 -6674 or email at bgblumcodeenforce@yahoo.com.

    Please note that all complainant information is kept confidential by our staff.